

Anderson, M.T. Feed. Candlewick, 2002. ISBN: 0763662623

Written by: M.T. Anderson
Reviewed by: Jenni Rudolph
Recommended Audience: High school

Feed, a science fiction novel by M.T. Anderson, tells the story of Titus, an average teenager living in a futuristic America. In this universe, 73% of the American population has a device called a feed implanted into their body. The feeds overwhelm them with information about the latest products, music, places to visit, and political news. This novel is set in a world where thinking for oneself is not an option, and those who attempt to defy the system are met with dire consequences.

The story kicks off with Titus traveling to the moon with his friends for spring break. There, he meets Violet Durn, an intelligent nonconformist raised by her old-fashioned father. Violet writes with a pen and paper, got her feed installed at age seven instead of a baby (the social norm), knows how to speak obsolete programming languages, and even attempts to confuse the feed. Titus is fascinated by Violet’s strange rebellion against the life of mindless consumerism that most of America has adopted. The two fall in love, but soon Titus and Violet learn that rebelling against the social norm can end in tragedy.

Accentuated by futuristic slang, Feed transports the reader into a realm where consumerism and dependence on technology have weakened the minds of American citizens, have destroyed the environment, and have disrupted the privacy of one’s own thoughts. Those who try to resist the system are punished by their own rebellion and failure to conform. Titus’ thoughts are interrupted regularly by terrible pop songs, product advertisements, and political news via his feed, and this adds an intrusive, internalized feel to the story. The author is able to fully convey the moody, unreliable, and often apathetic mindset of a teenager, and therefore this book would most likely appeal to high schoolers.

Description: http://mt-anderson.com/blog/his-books/books-for-teens-and-adults/feed-2/

Reviews of book: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/169756.Feed

YouTube review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_dVPLiMZFc


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